Czas na czesciowa przeprowadzke dla pietruszki. Uzbrojona w noz, podcielam jej skrzydła i z czuloscia zlozylam je na deseczce w kuchni. Sama mysl o tabbouleh zawsze wprawia mnie w dobry nastroj. Cala reszta leciala jak z platka. Kuskus namoczony, szczypior posiekany, pomidory w kosteczkach lsnia w miseczce, oliwa puszcza oczka, cytryna sie az prosi o uscisk. Lepiej byc nie moze. Noz zgrabnie tanczy po deseczce i w kilka minut pozniej miska jest wypelniona aromatami i kolorami: tabbouleh.
Winter, to tell the truth, did never visit us. Spring has descended upon us full blast, so it’s time for gardening: planting flowers, sewing herbs and vegetables. Herbs here are a
different story. My parsley from last year still stands from tall wearing multi-layer green
dresses; rosemary and green onions are doing very well; oregano looks somewhat pale,
missingthe heat of the summer sun; but cilantro has totally surprised me. Last October it
came out of the blue from the scorched soil and has served us all the way through to now.
I have always thought of cilantro as being a frail young lady. Wrong. And mint, which
normally takes over like a pest, suddenly has packed up and departed from me just as I
needed her the most. What a rotten beast! Herbs!